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   "SGU" Cancelled While "Sanctuary" Has Been Renewed!



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[#151010] Written by: dexluther [19/01/2011, 05:51]
it's proof once again that 'sy-fy' doesn't know what the hell they are doing. what the fuck is
wrestling doing on a channel targeted at sci-fi? i say boycott 'syfy' and their retarded name and
business practice.

i hope they file for bankruptcy and that no one bails them out.
[#151015] Written by: highlander888 [19/01/2011, 06:17]
sgu cancelled? this doesn't surprise me at all.

i'm actually surprised it lasted this long. the writing sucked.
they really had nowhere to go with the story so they created these random aliens.
but they really didn't fill out any of the alien backstories leaving the audience perplexed
and eventually losing interest. too many unknowns and not enough explanations.
after a while of this, who cares?

also, the plot wasn't tight. too many "filler" episodes. but other sci-fi shows
are guilty of this too (ahem, fringe). too much meandering.
keep the story moving!

glad they're keeping sanctuary but i also note this show is still tba!
[#151020] Written by: Blackstar [19/01/2011, 06:40]
one thing if you are going to try and make a character driven show, you have to make the audience
care about the characters if not necessarily like them. sgu failed utterly in that regard from my
perspective so i simply stopped watching.
[#151023] Written by: esign [19/01/2011, 07:25]
sgu could have worked, it could even have been character driven to a large degree, but not at the
expense of scientific and technological fiction, or at the very least some philosophical issues best
served by such a setting (i know, they made some inane attempts). the ones who wants anything at all
set in a sci.fi. context are sci.fi. fans, so you have to have sci.fi. scripts, not just sci.fi.
sets. some sort of reason (if not logic) behind character interaction wouldn't have hurt, either.

the cancellation is a good thing; this way i don't have to suffer from knowing that they are
torturing the genre i love. the only sad thing is that this may kill the sg franchise, which has
good potential for being developed further. by actual writers, not the monkeys with typewriters they
used this time.

(true, monkeys will write hamlet, eventually, but it'll take more time than a tv series can afford,
besides which, hamlet isn't science fiction.)
[#151037] Written by: Gunk [19/01/2011, 10:07]
wasn't sanctuary supposed to be a full 20 episode season 4? i remember only 10.

wasn't it supposed to be the same for eureka? then we got shafted by a (fun) 9 episode season, and
one mediocre (sorry, i feel bad saying it, but c'mon!) christmas special?

then scifi (no, i will not spell it the other way) goes and cancels their two best science fiction
shows?! caprica and sgu both, while inconsistent at time, and yes sgu had a terribly slow start,
were amazing shows. caprica came together beautifully at the end, much better i thought than bsg,
giving me hope for blood and chrome, and sgu has been steadily picking up since the middle of season

we've had 10 years of sg1, and 5 of atlantis. it was time for a new formula. if you want that same
old dynamic that you had in the old shows, go watch the old shows. there's 15 show years worth of
episodic television for you watch at your leisure. sgu was something new, and was perfectly fitted
to the butterfly analogy. starting slow and ugly, then cocooning into a beautiful butterfly and
taking off. sgu met three or four alien races less than 20 episodes, has established it's leading
cast members and their histories (which is difficult when you have an ensemble cast, anyone remember
firefly? another great show, axed, because the largest demographic can't seem to wrap it's big mac
addled head around the fact that there is more than five main character than need to be explained.)

human drama aside, the science fiction angle of the show was exploding all over the place in season
2, stumbling into a thousand year old war with a million year old decrepit ship, being followed by
crazy fishy aliens from another galaxy, with a lead character slowly morphing into one of those
fishy aliens, or a crazy fishy human hybrid.

it's a shame most people just can't comprehend good scifi when it smacks them in the mouth.
[#151048] Written by: investone [19/01/2011, 10:58]
i am all for leaving sci-fi and there list of reality shows now that sgu is gone.
[#151095] Written by: turry [19/01/2011, 20:07]
well they better play the rest of season 2 of sgu, then they can go fuk them self's for stopping
another great show :-p

i like sanctuary & eureka but all the sg's are better then them i think.

p.s. thanks amanda tapping its been great seeing you kick ass in sg-1 :-) your the best,

from. the irish man over in the uk, belfast. ;-)
[#151111] Written by: TehDude [20/01/2011, 00:15]
canceling the show after a cliffhanger is bad business and they don't even understand that. the next time
they bring out a new show, there will be lots of people who won't watch it because they hate watching
shows that don't end.
[#151114] Written by: lumpoco [20/01/2011, 00:41]
sgu was terrible and so was the plot, characters and even the actors who portrayed them. and did you
know that most of the show was shot with inadequate lighting. serves them right for abandoning sga once
it found an audience and going with sgu instead. alot of fans said that sgu would be bad, but did anyone
think that it would be this bad? the question is is the next sg-1/sga movies still on track?
[#151118] Written by: leoraine [20/01/2011, 02:00]
this. i watched the first season of sgu but there was not one likeable character except for maybe
the young genius, but then they added the romance and soap and too much darkness without anything
good and blah. not to mention the blatant disregard for the sg fans from the producers. i simply
stopped watching. so... while i don't really care if sgu was on the tv or not, i'm really happy that
if they had to make a choice between them and sanctuary, they choose sanctuary. it's one of my
favorite shows.
[#151158] Written by: rajajuju [20/01/2011, 10:18]
well unfortunately the majority of people are too stupid to recognize anything but a punch in the
mouth.. thats why the writers cant afford to sit back in their ivory tower and diddle themselves
over how "complex" and "innovative" their plots are.

like i said earlier, the last 3 or 4 eps started to hit a groove - they had ejected most of the
sappy melodramatic, slow-motion-montage-while-soulful-acoustic-indie-music-plays-in-background type
bullshit.. and finally found something new - instead of trying to rehash some bsg hype or whatever
the fuck they were doing... in fact i was really liking it - very dark, even a bit sinister.. almost
had an x-files kind of threatening vibe to it

it was finally getting good there at the mid of this season (and yes there are 10 more eps of it to
air) - and i have all the patience in the world for any kind of sci-fi, but again the majority of
people do not, they could give a fuck, they would rather go grab a big mac instead... and
unfortunately, writers, the fans determine whether or not you get to keep your job, so nice work on
diddling - i mean, screwing yourselves

like i said earlier again - sg goes on.. bring on the next series and try again, throw in a few
movies.. maybe now you get the picture, producers/writers - get it right first, then you can play
with it.. not the other way around
[#151324] Written by: matty67 [21/01/2011, 11:25]
syfy - imagine greater!
yet the majority of their shows are complete garbage. sgu was getting good, but there seemed to be
a lack of continuity in the show. the cast was too big perhaps.
sanctuary is alright. it's very up and down.
bsg was similar. it became fragmented and scattered. i don't know who was at fault, but it seems
to be a network problem as caprica suffered similarly too. if you're going to promote a show then
air the damn thing. don't air it and stuff it for 8 months while people move on to different
things. people are tired of watching a show and then the show just disappearing. or the show is
improperly promoted marketed and promoted. it's happened to many good shows - caprica, kings,
firefly, everwood.

there's little sci-fi about syfy. they're like the new upn, except veronica mars was a better show
than anything i've seen this new syfy and they kept voyager going for far longer than anything on
what ought to be a sci-fi friendly channel.
[#151367] Written by: rajajuju [21/01/2011, 20:21]
everybody's a critic arent they? for the record i never liked bsg or caprica and their angsty
antics. but who gives a shit about my record? and vice versa, my friends.
[#151422] Written by: tachyonemitter [22/01/2011, 06:48]
this is stupidity and incompetence at its best! they rather sink their own ship than letting someone
else at the helm - letting in new writers and producers. on the mgm site i couldn't find anything
about the show being canceled only a list of awards that the actors and the show have won. i guess
they think it is better to go down with their heads held high.... sadly the fans are the ones who
will suffer. i for one bitched about the show being lame since the beginning but that didn't stop me
for looking forward for the next's week episode. i watched it because it is sg - a concept that is
amazing not unlike star trek and for that same reason i watched enterprise witch was crap but still
star trek. anyway i hope they release the rest of the show on dvd or ppv or whatever ....
[#151519] Written by: esign [23/01/2011, 08:44]
ranting in reply to gunk (i apologize in advance, gunk):

you can't count your way to the time for a "new formula". 10 years, 15, 20, it doesn't matter. if it
works, it works, no matter how long it's been working. ratings are ratings, fan base is fan base. of
course, an artistic vision, or at least motivation, can also be reason for change (jeez, i hope
nobody though they were creating art with this). anyway, when you cut away completely from the core
concept, then you haven't come up with a new formula, you've come up with a new franchise. h311, in
this case, they even cut away from the genre. they cut away the entire sg universe, with no
transition, and without wrapping up old story lines. is there a better way to get rid off your fans?
you can't piss them off repeatedly, for years, and then wonder why some of them disappeared.

the problem with the sci.fi. elements wasn't that they weren't there, but that they were
inconsistent apropos to the soap. you may argue that they were "establishing the leading cast
members", but that's something you're supposed to do as an integral part of the storyline. you can't
sacrifice the sci.fi. storyline for an entire season to do it.

4 alien races, yes. and not a single exploration of those races, not a single substantial
interaction. you mention the ship, and i think the ship is interesting. unfortunately, the cast
doesn't seem to agree. the exploration of the ship has been perfunctory. really, the only part of
the ship that has been properly examined is the observation deck, and that only as an unintended
side effect of the characters spewing emotion all over each other with the stars as a romantic
back-drop. the rational decision making that is core to sci.fi. is absent, with both the main
scientist and the commander engrossed in their own personal issues (and the rest of the cast, for
that matter), even when the faith of the entire ship is at stake. you can't run a sci.fi. show where
not a single decision is made on a rational basis.

even the use of the alien/human hybrid angle is only a motor for more irrational emoting. the
sci.fi. attitude would be to study, and to continue studying, even after the transformation is
complete. but what are they doing? they're putting her in solitary confinement, leaving her to stew
in emotion, with the only "plan" being to execute her when the transformation is complete. the
character is the only one who's interesting for some other reason than banal and childish emotions,
yet she's been sidelined, effective from the instant she became interesting.

the list of irrational and emotional b-s is nearly endless. every decision, every activity, every
motivation is based in childish emotion. every event and discovery is interpreted only in it's
emotional context. the mental and emotional age of the characters seem to range between 3 and 7.
every attempt at thrilling plot twists are based in the helpless blundering of hormonally adult
preschoolers. there's barely been a single obstacle that couldn't have been avoided entirely by a
fundamentally obvious rational insight.

this nonsense has been given a setting that requires hard sci.fi. to a much higher degree than any
of the previous sg series. that's just adding insult to injury.

and don't you dare compare this nonsense to firefly! firefly was a space western, and never
pretended to be anything else. it was a brilliant merge of two genres, delivering some of the best
from both, seamlessly merged. that's what made it great. sgu is just a mess.

even so, and i hate that it's true, sgu was one of the best sci.fi. series on offer right now. or,
more accurately, least worst. tragic.

people can probably tell that i've been annoyed for some time...?
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