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tfeserver Posted at 02/10/2012, 04:21
yup, it looks like there is a problem with feeds with "[" and "]" on the links.
the validator reports errors http://validator.w3.org/appc/check.cgi?

as always , there is 1 alternative:
* feedburner by magao ( main feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/eztv-rss-atom-feeds?format=xml )
Outrager Posted at 03/10/2012, 10:07
thanks, tfeserver. those are working great.
tfeserver Posted at 04/10/2012, 05:34

for various reasons, i decided to put the mirror down... sorry for the troubles.

zouhair Posted at 04/10/2012, 18:45
Quote by tfeserver

for various reasons, i decided to put the mirror down... sorry for the troubles.

this mirror: http://eztv.ptain.info ?

if it is not going back i should clean my rss links. it was awesome while it lasted. thanks
PenaPP Posted at 04/10/2012, 20:29
i hope that http://ezrss.it/feed/ will work again soon...
ugolini Posted at 05/10/2012, 05:41
Quote by zouhair
Quote by tfeserver

for various reasons, i decided to put the mirror down... sorry for the troubles.

what a pitty. it was awesome while it lasted. thanks!

Quote by tfeserver

as always , there is 1 alternative:
* feedburner by magao ( main feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/eztv-rss-atom-feeds?format=xml )

this works great, thanks again!

bergmaal Posted at 16/10/2012, 12:09
Quote by novaking
(...) we have issues with some of our www nodes, and we are
currently too busy with real life work to deal with it (...)

hey novaking!

just wanted to let you know that alot of us, that use the eztv-site, were very grateful for the
rss-feeds! i also want to point out that i'm sure that most (if not all) of us can understand that
real life work has to have a higher priority than fixing the rss-feed.

when that's said, there's alot of us that would appreciate if the rss-feeds once again could make our
lives easier, when you get the time to fix it. for now the show list and overview on my
will have to do!

keep up the good work! love the site! =)
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 23/10/2012, 21:38
yes i know about the issues with ezrss, unfortunately it requires a code revamp to be fixed, which i
currently can not set aside time for at present. so if everyone can hang on tight till the beginning
of next year, then you will start seeing improvements to all sites.
kender Posted at 27/10/2012, 18:09
thanks novaking for all your hard work!
aeon77 Posted at 29/10/2012, 21:47
good to hear that!
keep doing what you do best nova!!!
MetalCorpse Posted at 31/10/2012, 21:54
for alternative,
eztv channel @ tpb's rss
fiskrl Posted at 02/11/2012, 19:17
thanks that rss works great...
i also miss the reliability of eztv...but there are other ones that are working okay, so its not too big of a

MagikMan74 Posted at 24/11/2012, 02:17
another option, if you want more of a focused feed, is http://showrss.karmorra.info/ . they use
eztv for their feed but you can pick and choose which shows you want.
BoonesFerry Posted at 24/11/2012, 03:48

a couple rss alternatives for eztv & vtv torrents:
eztv http://rss.bt-chat.com/?group=3&cat=9
eztv https://rss.thepiratebay.se/user/d17c6a45441ce0bc0c057f19057f95e1
vtv http://rss.bt-chat.com/?group=2&cat=9
vtv http://rss.thepiratebay.se/user/e395935fa39597e3997b916a295f23e4

volfied Posted at 26/11/2012, 14:13
thanks a lot! showrss works great with utorrent! . very good service