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GEORGzer Posted at 06/12/2012, 04:00
any chance, that the rss feed(s) will be fixed in the upcoming downtime between today and sunday?

please? :-)
Chem4 Posted at 10/01/2013, 03:24
Quote by magikman74
another option, if you want more of a focused feed, is
http://showrss.karmorra.info/ . they use
eztv for their feed but you can pick and choose which shows you want.

thanks, this works like a charm. the feedburner rss needs the filters to start with *, so it's not
very handy for me.
NimrodAUS Posted at 23/01/2013, 22:04
is something going on with the rss feeds? ive just tried setting this up for the first time and all i see is
stuff from 4 months ago? i cant get my customised rss feed link either? any help
aeon77 Posted at 29/01/2013, 20:10
Quote by nimrodaus
is something going on with the rss feeds?

the eztv's rss is down for the moment.

read 4 posts back by boonesferry that's has some alternatives.
magao Posted at 01/02/2013, 20:16
just discovered that face off s04e03 was linking to the extratorrent.com torrent download page instead of
the actual torrent file (so wasn't loadable in utorrent). i've fixed my aggregate feed so it will now detect
this situation and fix it (although it might not fix the earlier broken entry).


and my vtv feed (which is just a cleaned-up pull from tpb)

Jason_Bright_54 Posted at 18/02/2013, 13:20
why has the rss feed been down for months now ?

it's a shame, it was one of the best features of this website !
BoonesFerry Posted at 25/02/2013, 03:07

until the admin has time and resources to update the site...
please use one of these alternative eztv rss feeds:

GEORGzer Posted at 08/03/2013, 04:29
and now btchat is down as well.
magao Posted at 13/03/2013, 20:52
with the announcement that google reader is being retired on july 1st i'm going to have to come up with
some other way to aggregate feeds for http://feeds.feedburner.com/eztv-rss-atom-feeds?format=xml .

what a pain.
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 24/03/2013, 23:10
ezrss /feed/ is fixed, still working on other sections, and will be doing a maintenance downtime
over the next day (moving to new ip range)
GEORGzer Posted at 26/03/2013, 18:05
long live the king!
PenaPP Posted at 28/03/2013, 16:46
wonderful - it works again
aeon77 Posted at 31/03/2013, 21:26
quoting farnsworth: "good news everyone!!"

thanks you so very much for your time and hard work nova!!

really appreciate it!!
Code Butcher Posted at 04/04/2013, 01:05
i think it's down again. no updates for the last 8 hours.
BoonesFerry Posted at 04/04/2013, 02:08


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