i see they have changed the dates on csi episodes.
Posted at 22/11/2014, 20:11
i am game to help out when i can. i use the site faithfully.
Posted at 02/12/2014, 18:52
been using the site for many years, im happy to help.
Posted at 27/12/2014, 07:07
i have been around longer than you have.
i started in 1978 on machines you don't even know.
still going, but would have to discuss.
regards ao
Posted at 27/12/2014, 07:08
ps: have used your site front and back from the begining
Posted at 20/01/2015, 19:35
I use a lot of time on this page, i actually watch about over 20 of the shows being uploaded by you guys, and if there is one
thing that really annoys me on this page is the lack of updates on when a new season starts and stuff like that.
I am really interested in helping out, and to do my part on updating shows.
Looking forwards to hearing back from you.
Posted at 21/01/2015, 18:57
If you are stil looking for help. please leave a msg in my inbox.
Posted at 24/01/2015, 18:40
I have been using this website from years now, and I would love to help.
Posted at 30/01/2015, 03:21
Comment Removed by Moderator -- Off Topic of Thread.
Posted at 05/02/2015, 04:12
I'm very interested.
Posted at 26/02/2015, 19:48
Me too I'd like to help.
Posted at 01/03/2015, 11:57
Are you still looking for someone?
Posted at 04/04/2015, 02:29
You know, I have been, and still am . I would like the Job . When a series does not make the numbers. In
Ancient Times of " CATHODE RAY TUB ,They used a black Box in certain house holds , They called it " The
Nelson Ratings , so now we have ' Facebook and other methods. The Networks have the world at their
fingertips. Thank You : .
Posted at 14/05/2015, 00:13
i love this web page and i get all my shows from here and i have a lot of shows i can put out there
for everyone to use i keep a notepad here on my pc that i use as a tv guide and i keep it up to date
every Sunday i go throw the tv guide and look at all the shows to see if there new or old and so i
can keep theme up to date. i allso seen there a lot of new shows coming out soon you need info on
theme to so i would love to be a content administrator
Thanks Shaun290
Posted at 31/05/2015, 00:40
The original request for help was posted on 9/19/14 and there have been several offers to help. I can only assume no
one has the qualifications to step up and maintain the individual show's pages, which is a real shame. Could you possibly
give us an update on the status of your search? I (and many others judging by the responses to this thread) rely heavily
on the info included in those pages and would really like to see this area addressed. I too would be willing to help but
have no experience whatsoever in web page maintenance -- period. I do maintain a spreadsheet with 9 separate sheets
to track the 149 shows I watch regularly, and yours is the ONLY site that includes all the data I use. I do manage to
track down the info I need, but sorely miss the "One Stop Shop" -- if you will -- once provided by EZTV.