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GatorHunter Posted at 12/07/2015, 07:14
I Still Currently see a lot of content out of date, I have experience in this field and would like
to help.
mrf0ster Posted at 11/08/2015, 03:15
Do we have to put up with these pop up adds now? Soooooo annoying guys!
otomas Posted at 21/08/2015, 22:04
Hi. I'd like o help.
I use this site for a long time.
maccuaig Posted at 08/09/2015, 03:43
i'm interested
Shanemyster Posted at 07/07/2016, 21:37
i would like to help
Shanemyster Posted at 07/07/2016, 21:38
i've been using the site for a long time and i want to help
cazador501 Posted at 02/10/2016, 12:27
The drop down box under the select shows does not work!!! When will it be fixed???
shell.goulding Posted at 02/10/2016, 19:19
I used to download tv shows and movies. Are you going to add links for movies again? There used to be a link on the rights
side panel. Also will you be adding other selections (i.e. software cracks)
cazador501 Posted at 04/10/2016, 11:13
whiteman714 Posted at 21/10/2016, 12:30
If the show dropdown still isnt working for you then I highly suspect you just have an overactive ad blocker. try disabling
your ad blocker for this site to see if that fixes the show drop down box. The show drop down uses javacript and it is
probably just being blocked by your ad blocker.
SMCEZTV Posted at 09/12/2016, 08:22
Hi, I would love to help. I feel Like I have a lot to offer and share some important core values. Please consider me as you
decide who will be you rnew addition.


Sheila Nelson
[email protected]
Larzi Posted at 16/07/2017, 10:14
The show listed, Banshee has finished/been cancelled after season 4.
Is this where you would like me to post this information as I regularly see the cancelled shows as it's a hobby.
Happy to assist with content Admin whenever needed.
Larzi Posted at 16/07/2017, 10:24
Hi NovaKing,

Please consider me to help with the content Admin role, i am experienced in all aspects of Business. I currently spend hours
and hours watching and researching many tv shows i.e. new, on break, cancelled etc. I have noticed many area's to this site
need updating and am also available to simply assist with updating on an "as needed" basis. Basically im very flexible.

In addition; I have more up to date episodes for some series to offer.

If you wish to see my resume please advise a confidential email address.

Many thanks for your consideration.
Larzi Posted at 16/07/2017, 11:15
As requested examples for consideration.

1. Better Call Saul
uilson Posted at 24/07/2017, 17:38
I am also interested, if i can help.

I also have been using the website for a long time, even now despite my service provider blocked the access to it.

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