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Posted at 13/01/2019, 01:19
Why can't I see My Show?? | |||||
Posted at 13/01/2019, 04:26
So its not just me then! I can not access my show page as well and I am falling behind in my archiving! | |||||
Posted at 13/01/2019, 07:23
Yes I thought a day or two to debug, but over a week now, I have to hunt through the list on HOME to find my new shows, it a pain after having it easy for so long. |
Posted at 13/01/2019, 09:52
Why no answers to previous posts? A message about working on it doesn't cut it anymore. This is a great torrent site and I can imagine it takes a lot of work to admin it. An updated message on when it will be working again would be greatly appreciated. |
Posted at 13/01/2019, 14:10
THANK YOU FOR FIXING "MY PAGE" !!!! Really happy now ![]() ![]() Could You also consider bringing back the "seen all shows"-button, please? |
Posted at 15/01/2019, 00:20
[#500650] Written by: Ullabella88 [13/01/19, 14:10] THANK YOU FOR FIXING "MY PAGE That's all very well and good but how do you log out? The option used to be at the bottom of the page but not now, in fact not anywhere that I can see. |
Posted at 15/01/2019, 01:37
Awesome, well done on the 'My Page'. Now, where do we 'Log Out'? Thanks. |
Posted at 17/01/2019, 05:31
Hi @ Admin's Corner....I've the same problem just cannot log out please help as I don't like it left open, thanks | |||||
Posted at 18/01/2019, 23:02
Im so sorry but I dont know where to post this thread. Ive been downloading shows for many many years and Oct 2018 I went overseas. Came back and it seems every show I now download wont play on my tv. Some dont play at all and some dont have the sound. I have the save tv. Has anything changed? If I download old shows they play fine, its just all the new downloads. Im sorry, I just dont know what to do unless I buy a new tv and I cant do that? Has something changed during last sept/oct as this is when the shows stopped working for me. I know it sounds strange but they all worked fine before I went away. Thanks so much |
Posted at 21/01/2019, 04:08
Are you guys OK or is something seriously wrong? I don't think anyone can LOG-OUT I know I can't guys aren't answering anyone's messages. Are you guys OK? |
Posted at 21/01/2019, 04:14
Sorry about this guys I thought I post a message but don't think that happened sooooo Are you guys OK or is there something seriously wrong? I and we can't log-out and, no-one's answering the messages..... I won't annoy anymore I'm just concerned hope you guys are OK |
Posted at 31/01/2019, 08:43
Hi I don't know if this is the right forum but may I ask if the correct episode of NCIS New Orleans season S5E11 shown the 15th of January could be uploaded please? the one that is in the page is an old one. thank you for all the joy you bring us with your work. |
Posted at 15/03/2019, 14:43
I don't know if this is the right forum topic but Project Runway S 17 E 1 aired on Thursday, March 14, 2019. Are there any plans to UL the episode. EZTV has become essential for our viewing habits and my wife loves all the Project Runway shows. Thanks in advance, eXindigo! |
Posted at 02/06/2019, 12:38
The EZT. we knew and loved is long since gone, my friends. I guess Novaking hasn't had control of the domain for nearly half a decade and the option for a comeback isn't looking good.. Go home. Hug your kids. They grow up so fast.. |
Posted at 11/06/2019, 10:51
Пластиковыми окнами немедленно никого не удивить, они устанавливаются практически везде — вследствие магазинов и офисов накануне элитных квартир и трехэтажных особняков. Исключительно разряд их окончательно различное. Если в начале своей «биографии» пластиковые окна представляли собой экзотические конструкции, сообразно виду напоминавшие ухудшенный перемена серийных деревянных, как принято говорить «совковых», а по качеству практически равнявшиеся им, то по цене они явный выходили в премиальный сегмент. Только в процессе развития технологий они превратились во поголовно конкурентоспособный товар, обладающий около уникальных свойств. а также вы можете пластиковые окна пвх Современные окна из профиля ПВХ — высокотехнологичный продукт, недорогой, качественный, благоприятный в эксплуатации и, сколь самое квинтэссенция, ремонтопригодный. Если субститут створки или стекла в деревянном окне представляет собой сложную и дорогостоящую процедуру (производители окон и дверей из натуральных материалов часто неоправдано завышают цены), то заказать отруби пластикового окна вполне доступно ради любого бюджета. Чтобы убедиться в качестве и высоких потребительских свойствах пластиковых окон, необходимо просто прочитать об их характеристиках в предлагаемой вашему вниманию статье и сравнить их с деревянными конструкциями. Текст носит далеко не рекламный характер — только объективная информация. Выбор приоритетов — за читателем. Здесь вы узнаете, как выбрать пластиковые окна, и почему одни конструкции лучше других. |