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Akleiv Posted at 27/07/2019, 11:43

I'm probably in the wrong place to ask this but I had to register again because I have a problem and I need to
contact the Administrator. How can I do that?
I'll really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance.
GuamGuy Posted at 05/08/2019, 16:40
No new content? You guys blow. give the site back you fucking thieves!
djones81672 Posted at 05/08/2019, 20:43
what happened to the shows? Nothing uploaded but trash.
bjayzus2 Posted at 06/08/2019, 05:31
Does ANYONE know what's going on here at EZTV?
Is anyone in charge?
And to you, GuamGuy, do you have the story re the acquisition of this site by the current operators
(and who are they?).
denbar Posted at 06/08/2019, 10:05
I also have not had any new content since 4 August. What seems to be the problem??
paulgw101 Posted at 06/08/2019, 11:03
I've also had no updated content for 1d14h as of 1600hrs GMT
Edsm100 Posted at 06/08/2019, 20:16
is there stil alive the administrator
Edsm100 Posted at 06/08/2019, 20:23
A lot of people will move to others sites as this inoperance
arloka Posted at 06/08/2019, 21:14
I love EZTV, but nothing new for more than 2 days.
Is there another source like EZTV for TV series torrents?
shazinoz Posted at 06/08/2019, 21:45
U guys ok?????????????????????
denbar Posted at 07/08/2019, 03:47
Anybody home?????? we're all waiting to hear why there have been no updates for the last 3 day??????
TheRealZork Posted at 07/08/2019, 04:02
No new uploads in days. No information from an administrator. Does anyone still work for EZTV
anymore? As an alternative, you can go to rarbg.to, click 'TV Shows', and scroll through lots of
pages. It is not nearly as convenient as EZTV but most of the shows available here are available
there, too.

If you know of a better alternative, please let us know.
arloka Posted at 07/08/2019, 20:28
Thank you for bringing EZTV back. This website saves me a lot of time.
chilton33 Posted at 08/08/2019, 21:32
Great to have you back. Best TV site by far.
gwendolady Posted at 12/08/2019, 17:42
Hi There,
Any chance that episodes that were missed due to the site being down will be added in at some point? For example gordon
ramsey uncharted S01E03 and The Loudest Voice S01E06 I've noticed so far... either way your work is much appreciated and
I'm very glad you are back!
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