Written by: BobWestbrook [18/12/2024, 12:27]
Tyser11, just ignore the fekkers. Don't reply, let the trolls starve. Let them create stupid aliases and create an echo
chamber for themselves where they can be racist and confrontational, and we aren't part of it. Do not feed the trolls.
Written by: Tyser11 [18/12/2024, 12:38]
Oh I kinda feel sorry for him haha, he must have a very sad lonely life when you have
to create multiple accounts daily just to some attention. His day will come I'm sure
of it, I believe strongly in karma and you know what they say "karma is a biiaattchhh"
Written by: Tyser11 [18/12/2024, 19:14]
Please do!
Written by: Tyser11 [19/12/2024, 06:38]
Absolute twat.
Written by: BobWestbook [20/12/2024, 23:16]
Don't pay any attention to these idiots, if we don't feed them they will starve to death slowly and
Written by: Godh8squeers [22/12/2024, 14:32]
So it appears that my original thread has been hijacked. Now to get back on point...
“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”
Leviticus 18:22
Thus spoke Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.
Written by: BobWestbook [23/12/2024, 03:00]
Tyser11 (digits 1, 1) is a fake pr1ck that post adult content links. TyserII (two I's) is real. Don't
fall into Two 1's
Written by: BobWestbook [23/12/2024, 03:01]
Tyser11 (digits 1, 1) is a fake pr1ck that post adult content links. TyserII (two I's) is real. Don't
fall into Two 1's
Written by: BobWestbook [23/12/2024, 03:09]
TyserII (two I's) is a fake pr1ck that post adult content links. Tyser11 (digits 1, 1) is real. Don't
fall into Two I's
Written by: BobWestbook [23/12/2024, 03:09]
Tyser11 (digits 1, 1) is a fake pr1ck that post adult content links. TyserII (two I's) is real. Don't
fall into Two 1's
Written by: BobWestbook [23/12/2024, 03:09]
Tyser11 (digits 1, 1) is a fake pr1ck that post adult content links. TyserII (two I's) is real. Don't
fall into Two 1's
Written by: BobWestbook [23/12/2024, 03:10]
BobWestbrook is a fake pr1ck that post adult content links. BobWestbook is real. Don't
fall into BobWestbrook's
Written by: ArthurFleck [23/12/2024, 16:35]
Are we having fun yet, boys and girls?
Let's sing and dance now...
Written by: BobWestbrook [23/12/2024, 17:59]
Written by: BobWestbrook [23/12/2024, 18:05]
BobWestbook and TyserII wish they were us. LOL