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   Syfy cutting Caprica from schedule, no second season pickup



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[#145084] Written by: OmniscientlyMe [28/10/2010, 02:39]
yeah, a six month gap in the middle of the season kills a lot of shows. the original uncensored
pilot was great. it's a shame how this turned out. so much of the sto stuff was crap. i still can't
get my brain around a mother that's a doctor finding a single pin and making the leap that her
daughter is a terrorist suicide bomber, without any other evidence.

the only prequel they really should have made should have been about the original cylon rebellion
and war. this show was clearly being written to never get there, or at least drag on and milk a cash
cow as much as possible.
[#145086] Written by: traumadoc [28/10/2010, 02:46]
good, i'm glad to see this show go

it's flat out stupid. the smoking, the racial crap, and so on

they were stupid to cancel bsg in the first place and this show held no entertainment value
[#145090] Written by: Pushtrak [28/10/2010, 03:29]
they should have had a more constant airing. having it off the air for so long surely did it no favours. syfy
screw the "good" shows they have. but they don't really have good science fiction shows any more.
[#145096] Written by: armando [28/10/2010, 04:51]
shame its going, but not surprising.. the pilot was great, and the premise that the 'birth' of the cylons was
going to be explored was a big draw.. just too many (boring) competing storylines that were going
if they had cut the sto crap out sooner, and got on with robots bashing people then it would have been
much better..
[#145103] Written by: Holroyd [28/10/2010, 06:58]
shame, as i was still holding out hope at some point it would come to be actually about the cylons, not
a crappy religious war.

probably a doomed hope but still.

[#145108] Written by: c0ld [28/10/2010, 08:39]
[#145109] Written by: Athlonite [28/10/2010, 09:02]
i have had no problem following the plot from either side of the story

a) sto want the virtual tech for their resurrection slash version of heaven ( remember the skin jobs in bsg believe in one
god )

b) greystone wants both virtual tech and the cylons to bring back his (gorgeous daughter)

c) at some point things get shickered and the cylons turn against the humans but not the sto who

d) gain cotrol of the cylons and use them against the non believers of the one true god (the great human/cylon war) whilst
they (sto) themselves create
the first skin jobs
[#145133] Written by: yobba20012002 [28/10/2010, 15:30]
sad news about caprica its a great show they need to have a season 2
[#145139] Written by: dmc [28/10/2010, 17:20]
i hung in to the show through it's first half-season, but just barely... when the half-season
"break" came along it lost its appeal to me. i hate those breaks. once it resumed, i'd need to
re-watch some of the previous eps to recall exactly what happened but i wasn't about to do that. it
wasn't a strong enough show.

as such, expecting a show that's "on the bubble" to re-gain or even gain audience on a cable network
after a lengthy break is just insane.

[#145143] Written by: gogetadanson [28/10/2010, 18:56]
i had a feeling this was going to happen last week and had hoped it wasnt which it now has, whats
wrong with people theres nothing wrong with the show you cant have grandness and action in every
episode cause then it would just be special effects and no story.

there supposed to tell a story of the 12 worlds and its characters just as they been doing in stargate
universe with flashbacks, dream visions all that and now there getting rid not even giving it chance and
bringing sum trash out to replace it, if anything they shud let caprica a least tell half the story before
canning it idiots *iss me off.
[#145145] Written by: TehDude [28/10/2010, 19:53]
the problem is hollywood doesn't understand its own business and its bad thinking has infected the rest of the world. the
advertisers just aren't paying what they used to and now it takes 3 million viewers to bring in the same income that 1 million
would have half a decade ago and production costs just keep going up and up if they are doing things the old way.
[#145147] Written by: STEvil [28/10/2010, 21:04]
i have a question.

if things have a habit of repeating, where are the original progenitors?
[#145165] Written by: joekill162 [29/10/2010, 03:29]
good that show sucks anyway 1 down one more to go sgu your next
[#145182] Written by: stlemur [29/10/2010, 08:21]
if you want to talk about crap writing and characters nobody cares about, look to universe, friends
-- but universe was promoted better, didn't have syfy's stupid decade-long intra-season break, and
is one of the channel's pet properties. caprica now joins carnivale on the heap of arc shows axed by
networks who can't think past the next episode.
[#145189] Written by: strifus [29/10/2010, 10:48]
truthfully, caprica was ill-thoughtout series. we could go on conjecturing about what really killed the
series. the fact remains, it really didnt spark any interest in viewers, and i can see why, because it
certainly didnt spark my interest at all. i understand the need to introduce all the characters but after a
few episodes, that ceases to be the reason a show is so...boring.

episodes seem to be way drawn out. story arcs galore. the graystones, the adamas, the cylon,
holoband world, sto, on and on and on. to be honest, i was drawn more to adama's gay brother
because of the character that he is, not about him being gay, rather his determination to be a true
tauron. it was more interesting because then you see where commander adama got his belief
systems from.

sure they wanted a different direction to the one they had with bsg, the remake. ultimately though, it
became more of a soap opera with splashes of sci-fi tech here and there. caprica is really, not a sci-fi
series, in my opinion. that, really, spelled the end for the series. a supposed scifi series with almost
no direction.
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