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   Syfy cutting Caprica from schedule, no second season pickup



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[#145194] Written by: mokmok [29/10/2010, 12:50]
Quote by codenamerocky
not surprising....the show was incredibly slow. the plot was stumbling along like a drunk russian.

is not that the plot is hard to follow, in fact its very easy. its the simple fact that it was stale and boring.

plus the actress playing zoe is absolutely woeful, for a character that was going to be so central to the
eventual story she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag.

funny. i disagree with every statement in your post true the first few episodes were slow, but it was just getting fun.

hi troll
[#145218] Written by: wizenwolf [29/10/2010, 21:26]
i can't believe that someone said the actor who plays "zoe graystone" couldn't act her way out of a
paper bag.... i'm literally shocked. alessandra torresani and eric stoltz were the people who kept
this dying storyline alive!

fuck the bsg writers like ronald d moore who fucked this storyline, before it even began! i'm done
with this.
[#145219] Written by: ryan8374 [29/10/2010, 21:31]
Quote by assman
syfy also recently announced another bsg prequel... maybe they'll do it right the
second time around?

are you serious? they never do anything right. i couldn't get into bsg, but i liked caprica.

they should avoid the extra-long mid-season breaks. it wasn't supposed to come back until at least
january. that was far too long. people have a tendency to lose interest. it seems that bringing it
back early was too little too late.
[#145240] Written by: RedMatrix [30/10/2010, 02:52]
syfy doesn't have sci-fi shows any more, sadly. that's why i believe they changed their brand to
syfy which does not equal science fiction. (kind of like kentucky fried chicken changing their name
to kfc, lol, cuz they no longer use real chicken)
[#145249] Written by: JeanLucPicard [30/10/2010, 09:05]
this was over-due for sure.

you simply can't keep up viewer's attention by not allowing anything to happen ... especially in a
prequel show where everybody knows how the story will turn out in the end.

they should have started off with the first war between humans and cylons and should have described
the events that actually led to that war in retrospectives. just like producers did with lost.
[#145270] Written by: CypherUK [30/10/2010, 20:01]
Quote by redmatrix
syfy doesn't have sci-fi shows any more, sadly. that's why i believe they changed
their brand to syfy which does not equal science fiction. (kind of like kentucky fried chicken changing
their name to kfc, lol, cuz they no longer use real chicken)

kfc is an abbreviation, it's still called kentucky fried chicken but it's far easier to say kfc is it not?

as for caprica i'm not sure who i'm most disappointed with... the channel or the writers.

sure it was slow-paced, could have progressed faster, but since it's a new show you have to flesh it out
a bit for the people who never watched bsg. for those of us who've seen bsg we all know where it was
leading, but it could have been pushed forward much faster imo. having the sto acquire the tech
behind the 'grace' program and then applying that to the graystone cylon machines pretty much gives
you the launch pad for the war and what we know of the cylons. maybe that's what we'll get from the
last few episodes...

it would be entirely possible to get to that stage in one season, had it been one season rather than two
stubs, which is what we got instead, things may have been different. imo if a channel commissions a
show they should allow a season to play out uninterrupted and then reassess at the end of the season.

expect to see a lot more cop, forensic, medical dramas in the place of what i'd term 'hardcore' sci-fi
like bsg. most of the good sci-fi shows get cancelled in their first or second season (take firefly for
example), so maybe we should stop expecting these shows to run longer than a single season.
[#145278] Written by: JeanLucPicard [30/10/2010, 21:30]
Quote by brygdom
babylon 5 started slow in the first season.

as did star trek deep space 9 ... but these shows started more than 10 years ago. things were a bit
different in the tv world back then. less competition, fewer shows ...

one should never forget that tv is not about what viewers want ... it is brutal business first.

[#145312] Written by: kingdarko [31/10/2010, 11:25]
i've never watched bsg and am not interested in watching it either.

not saying that it's not a good show i just have idea, but as far as caprica goes i've watched it like it was
a stand alone show and yes it's kinda slow but it's not painfully slow at times it's great it's just a shame
that it kinda stopped talking about the issues i was interested in when watching the show.

like the holobands for examples i could happily watch a back story on that subject alone when
greystone released it and the backlash of all that and the underground market they produced.

they started the show wrong in my opinion in two different ways, first the story ...... should have had
more info on zoe and her avatar as really i still don't get how she's made a clone from bank statements
and buying habits ? i mean wtf that makes no sense what so ever. anyway number two was the
pilot.... that was great but then it was like a whole year after that was out till they started the show, then
they cut mid season and well we are all pissed about having a show split up so much.

if this show got picked up again i would much rather have the story stipped back again so we could
progress with the story line, i don't know if its the gap with the wait but i can't for the life of me
remember why they were wanting to go to geminon.

i could go on but this will mostly fall on deaf ears.

it's a good show and there are great bits in it too i kinda love the 50's styling they got going on and the
smoking is a good touch i my book.
[#145327] Written by: Blackstar [31/10/2010, 18:33]
there's a fine line between slow build up and simply wandering all over the place. caprica got
involved in too many plotlines too soon, and i feel it started too far back in the bsg timeline, it
needed to be a lot closer to the war between the colonies and the deployment of the first cylon
soldiers. as it was you had a lot of rather soapy stuff going on and the sense that you would need
many seasons before the war arrived.
add the inevitable problems of a prequel and it was always going to be an uphill battle, not helped
by pitching the tone of sgu to also appeal to the bsg fans.
[#145331] Written by: CthulhuSaves [31/10/2010, 19:46]
this is starting to sound like a weird biography, "from kfc to babylon 5: the story of scifi fans and bean
counters!" (heh)

anywho, i think some people are being unfair. granted, i didn't like or watch caprica (as stated, i found it ill-conceived),
but my own sentiments are merely exhibiting no surprise at the cancelation, i'd never wish a show's demise for the sake
of the fans that *do* enjoy it.

which is why i get a tad upset when someone makes a comment like, "one down, sgu to go!" that's really not cool. if
you don't like it, no sweat, don't watch it. but please, some of us do like it, and with the overwhelming dearth of scifi on
the air, i'd hope we'd be generally happy something's holding its own (even if not personally liked) and that some of
your fellow scifi fans are at least enjoying it.

i find that sg:u fixes one problem, but creates another. on one hand, they've made a conscious attempt to drop the
fantastical elements (previous incarnations were more science-fantasy in nature) and shoot for hard, realistic sci-fi (ala
arthur c. clarke). that's a very nice breath of fresh air when it comes to science fiction. unfortunately, the attempt
alone isn't quite doing it due to a lot of weak scripts and unlikable characters. however, it should be noted that the latter
can be corrected, so i think it's worth keeping the faith in hopes of seeing better scripts and, with any luck, a few more
relatable, likeable protagonists (my own desire is for at least one "heroic," noble character to be present).

i know the new show isn't to everyone's taste, but even still, you've gotta give them credit for the "cosmological
change," for lack of a better term. going for hard scifi is a bold, and actually fairly rare thing to do on tv, so if for
nothing else than that reason alone, i'm crossing my fingers and hoping for a success that might inspire more of it
elsewhere. i think it's great to see shows that try and take into account real-world concerns, physics, base-needs, and
survival, and where aliens are actually rare, don't all speak perfect english, and aren't merely differentiated by the
alternate-forehead-of-the-week prosthetic. this is a *good* thing, folks!

[#145346] Written by: RedMatrix [01/11/2010, 00:49]
Quote by cypheruk
kfc is an abbreviation, it's still called kentucky fried chicken but it's far easier
to say kfc is it not?

i'm sorry, i didn't mean to imply that *i* believe that rumor about there no longer being "chicken"
at kfc, lol, just making an allegory to it.

"syfy" is not "sci-fi" anymore, and it is uncanny how it is getting to be not "science fiction"
shows anymore.

Quote by cthulhusaves
this is starting to sound like a weird biography, "from kfc to babylon 5: the
story of scifi fans and bean counters!" (heh)

i would read that blog post.
[#145385] Written by: joposer [01/11/2010, 08:43]
ronald d moore: killing great tv franchises since 1991.
[#145403] Written by: glaucon [01/11/2010, 15:12]
so, does this mean there's no ep this week?
the show was supposed to go to 22 eps. if they say there's 5 more to air later, then we should see
ep14 this week, no?
[#145410] Written by: Pro2Type [01/11/2010, 17:22]
the last 5 episodes won't air until next year (first quarter of 2011).
[#145413] Written by: eleljay [01/11/2010, 19:00]
carprica, bold and interesting, a real insight into why humans became divided, mono-theist and
multi-theist, and why the fighting began! well that was the theory, i guess well never know, because
it's been canned!
i am half expecting s.g.universe to be canned as well, based on watch-ability, but if that was the
case caprica would be given a second season!!! blood & chrome, another series to get us hooked, and
then gut us out when they cancel during the first season????
i guess witchcraft, occult, and vampire is the new "science fiction"??
very very disappointed!!!
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