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[#93707] Written by: aussiemadmum [22/05/2008, 19:06]
and again we are over-run with tamagotchi's telling the admin's how to do their
jobs. granted, some are valid points (very few and far between), but
seriously. if they don't like it, and if this place is sooooooo bad, then why
haven't they, with their infinite wisdom and knowledge, gone and created the
mother of all tv sites themselves?????? come on..... i dare you. bloody wuss'.
i give up

now i clearly remember why i avoid reading the episode threads.

(aussiemadmum takes a valium and goes to bed to stop the incessant pounding of
[#94246] Written by: Ven [27/05/2008, 23:19]
excuse me while i just test nova's time machine....
[#94247] Written by: Ven [27/05/2008, 23:19]
and another test
[#94263] Written by: Ven [28/05/2008, 03:18]
it was certainly a strange feeling posting messages before oneself ... or
becoming the op of an opinion you didnt have. lol.
[#94548] Written by: sCifI3001 [31/05/2008, 05:08]
ven and i missed you by |<--->| this much mum
[#95116] Written by: Ven [07/06/2008, 08:44]
thats awesome.
[#95165] Written by: aussiemadmum [07/06/2008, 21:32]
i feel unloved. i went on a little rant in god's thread. well written and
expressed actually. pressed post, and i was asked to log in again. do so, but
my post promptly disappeared. very disappointed.

i'm going to go back to rocking in my little corner again
[#95169] Written by: Spareaker [07/06/2008, 22:25]
:( and that's a little blue frown felt half-way around the world. i love
you, insofar as aussiemadmum is one of the nicks i always look forward
to seeing in the list of recent posters. so i'm sad i didn't get to read it.

and i empathize - that timeout has happened to me so often i generally compose
in notepad then copy & paste for posting.
[#95183] Written by: aussiemadmum [08/06/2008, 02:23]
you mean to tell me that someone actually reads the crap that i write......and
pays attention to it?????
i'm really going to have to be more careful of what i say from now on

and yeah, i think i may need to do the same (in notepad, i mean). it's awfully
hard to try and write a coherant sentance, let alone a whole paragraph, when
you have a 3yo (generally him, but the others also) trying to sit on your lap,
or mum this, mum that. you'd think i would have learnt that lesson by now????
[#95245] Written by: aussiemadmum [09/06/2008, 09:31]
fuck, fuck, fuckedy fuck fuck
(i'm doing a cartman )

now that that's out of the way......

i sympathise with you ven.
not only is tesla on the cards, but now also hydrogen run cars, etc.
fact finding mission is in full swing.....
all i can say is that at least his mate convinced him that the test vehicle
should not be one of our everyday vehicles, but an old bomb instead.

boys and their toys. i suppose we should be grateful that it will at least
keep them out of our hair for a while
[#95262] Written by: Soul Electronique [09/06/2008, 17:38]
Quote by aussiemadmum

i sympathise with you ven.
not only is tesla on the cards, but now also hydrogen run cars, etc.
fact finding mission is in full swing.....
all i can say is that at least his mate convinced him that the test vehicle
should not be one of our everyday vehicles, but an old bomb instead.

boys and their toys. i suppose we should be grateful that it will at least
keep them out of our hair for a while

trust me. if yo man gets his shit together and gets it right the old bomb will
be your favourite car.

to me, all science is a discovery.

its about time our definition of the word patent be repaired.

if i put two metals together to make a better one i have made a discovery,
then i make it into a machine that does amazing things never seen before, that
is an invention.

the nimh battery is a mere discovery that has had the patents locked, the
battery was invented many many 100s of years ago. the first man discovered the
sun, so does that mean he owns it? no!

we shared our science and discoveries and gave to humanity for 1000's years,
then some rich fuck told everyone they own everything and since then we
believed it.

from the day humans were able to see their own mess they been claiming to own
things left behind or sitting on a rock which is realy retarded when you think
about it.

i think we can re-discover any science and use it at our will and sell our
services based upon our findings. fuck the courts, fuck the patent officer and
fuck this bullshit. its time we took control of our governments and told them
how we want things and not the other way.. next they will try to say that they
all patented all humanities thinking mind.
[#95267] Written by: Soul Electronique [09/06/2008, 18:29]
the only thing i see that stopping the use of ev's is that if everyone used
them there would be no way to get the much needed road taxes!

it wouldnt be fair for ev's to use roads and bike tracks without the ev
industry finding a way to support the use of these things, mind you if most
people rode an ev bicycle for a run about the need for so much tar on our earth
would be so much less and the cost of maintaining the roads would plumit.
[#95272] Written by: Soul Electronique [09/06/2008, 20:19]
i just overvolted my lil 24 volt dyno bike to 36 volts and im getting 35 km
distance at 28 kmph. on the way into town the cars seem to pass me slower than
usual yet in town it was a disaster looking for a victim, four wheel cars
looking for parking. omg it's crazy, they would not get out of my way so i
zipped around them i got to the shops and parked on the side walk. it may
take me 10 minutes extra to get into town but i save hours of walking, and
driving around from store to store once im there.

i have no idea why ev's have not been adopted in western cultures more readily
and only now ev's are becoming the way to go..
[#95277] Written by: aussiemadmum [09/06/2008, 22:22]
Quote by videoopiate
best nut-shot ever? you be the judge.
*warning* contains full male nudity

also just watched fear and loathing in las vegas again for the first time in
years. i had forgotten just how awesome it was.

i have never understood the facination with jackass. i think it's all a bunch
of stupid stunts pulled by people that have never grown up. ridiculous.

but in saying that, that was definately an awesome kick in the nuts (just don't
understand why he had to be naked, or why the other bloke had to be bare footed)
[#95379] Written by: aussiemadmum [10/06/2008, 18:11]
Quote by numaris
would mine involve a lot of swearing???

if so i am in

kevin bloody wilson's dictaphone springs to mind!!
Quote by numaris
would mine involve a lot of swearing???

if so i am in

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