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[#97900] Written by: aussiemadmum [04/07/2008, 09:00]
i just finished watching s03 of bones. i'm gob smacked. i just don't know what
to say. wow.

[#97915] Written by: aussiemadmum [04/07/2008, 11:08]
good wow. the last episode just blew me away, from the first minute. but it
gets even more astounding. i don't want to give anything more away. just wow.

as for david boreanaz (or however you spell his gorgeous name), he can rock my
world any day of the week, and twice on sundays

and don't mention things you haven't watched. i really d/l way too much. last
count, i have at least 50 seasons of various show to watch. too much choice,
too little time :s
i've decided on ghost whisperer to watch next.
[#98100] Written by: aussiemadmum [07/07/2008, 09:40]
Quote by dmfaust
maybe they have restraining orders on you.

that wouldn't be so funny if it wasn't plausible
[#98117] Written by: sCifI3001 [07/07/2008, 16:44]
Quote by aydin1954
and i heat with a warm exchange
pump instead of oil or gas and lately laugh all the way to the bank and beyond.

warm exchange pump? is that where you get all the women from your street and
you all strip down nekid and exchange body heat while they..........
umm ........ pump?

[#98191] Written by: aussiemadmum [08/07/2008, 10:45]
you haven't seen flies until you come to australia, mainly during summer.
bloody hell, they can be annoying. maybe i should look into one of those zapper
[#98243] Written by: aussiemadmum [08/07/2008, 20:59]
damn professor leyton!
and you too dm for putting me onto it

addictive as hell
[#98836] Written by: sCifI3001 [14/07/2008, 07:07]
Quote by numaris a.k.a numnuts a.k.a. 30 something that still lives at home with
his mummy and lives off government handouts that is so full of shit he makes
user75517 look good

edit: mind you it is a bit fishy that you were the first to comment on that

do you have anything to say in your defense...

not to you you little backstabbing c
[#98841] Written by: sCifI3001 [14/07/2008, 07:38]
Quote by numaris

edit: and i notice you don't react to aydins fishy comment

well duh!

it wasn't directed at me
[#98842] Written by: sCifI3001 [14/07/2008, 07:39]
Quote by numaris
i ain't 30 yet and the rest is true

yet you make me look good...

so whats that say about you sci

it says that i am not a backstabbing little cunt like you
[#98845] Written by: sCifI3001 [14/07/2008, 08:33]
Quote by aydin1954
uh oh it reminds me of a dated swiss tradition...


except in this one, i'm the only one without an udder
[#98847] Written by: aussiemadmum [14/07/2008, 08:46]
would someone please elaborate. i don't read the episode threads, therefore
don't know where this originated or why. just general curiosity so that i can
keep up with the bitch fight

edit: ok, scratch that. i found it. seriously, do i have to put you two in
separate corners? or depending how i feel, maybe the same, so i can see some

sorry, sci may have been the first to comment, but he sure as hell wasn't the
first to think exactly the same thing. was what i thought when i read it
earlier today.
[#98889] Written by: sCifI3001 [14/07/2008, 17:00]
Quote by scifi3001

except in this one, i'm the only one without an udder

Quote by aydin1954
peculiarity of aussie cows?

nah, just a gender re-asignment that went terribly wrong
[#98899] Written by: sCifI3001 [14/07/2008, 17:48]
Quote by numaris
no that you can be a fouler mouthed little git then me

and the shit you get up too

one can assume its you if a joke is being played on someone..

so fuck yourself.. wait you do that liberally... i hope your dick falls off...

call me a backstabbing cunt when you are a nick thieving little weasel...

and if you ever use that c word again i am going to ask a favor i have never

if by liberally, you mean literally, oooooh thanks that was nice . .

as for the fouler mouth?, well aydin has wiped all your little pantie rants,
i'll take that one. even though, i bet i hate the word cunt more than you do,
so i only use it in extreme ci rcumstances. so now you really know how much i
love you.

so, what favour did you wish to ask of me, my precious?
[#98905] Written by: aussiemadmum [14/07/2008, 18:17]
personally, i have never really understood the great insult of the c word.
c's are useful

i know there is no love loss between you two, but can't you simply stay out of
each others way?

and i'm sorry, but i must disagree with you numi. 1 indescression does not
indicate a consistant behaviour. (otherwise you'd be f###ed ;p) it happened,
so sad, too bad, move on already.
[#98931] Written by: sCifI3001 [14/07/2008, 23:55]
Quote by numaris
as for the favor scifi... i am not asking you...

Quote by numaris
also.. when has aydin ever wiped one of my rants... there
have been a few i
have gone back and edited out for multiple reasons i won't list for you

Quote by numaris
but i can say i have never gotten a registered account i
made banned... can you

oh and i can also say i have only ever had this account... is that the only
account you regged scifi3001

favour .......... duh! everyone knows exactly what you meant, even if you
have us english set for your spell checker, you where going to suck up to the
admins, yet again, and ask them to have be banned.

aydin wiped rants?............ yes he has, many times you have gone over the
line and he has deleted the contents of your post and had his little italics
asking/warning you to stop as well as the posts by the person you where
attacking, i believe user75517 could be one, but i am not going to waste my
time finding them for you.

account banned? ........ wow, way to ask the same question two different
as for the first, without checking, i cannot tell you whether funny__man was
banned or just deleted, i havent bothered to check since i told aydin the
password etc, the day i created it.

any other account registered?........ well duh! again, of course i had to
actually register the fake funny__man account, it wasn't just sitting there
waiting for any one to use, it was only to be used for the one days
entertainment, my biggest mistake was pming you with the username/password
details, inviting you to join in the fun, boy did we pick you wrong, for all
the shit you had done, no-one picked you for a narc.

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